Monday 27 April 2009

Robbie Jay Audience Coursework Feedback

1. Is The Product A Clearly Recogniseable Opening Sequence?

Yes, it is a recognisable opening sequence because it establishes the hook of the film which makes the audience want to watch more, which is the fact that Jason, the main character, is about to embark on his journey, which is also introducing the storyline/plot/narrative. The characters are introduced and the genre is made aware to the audience through the use of generic conventions of a British Gangster film. These are all what is expected from a opening sequence of a film.

2. Is The Genre Apparent?

As stated before, generic conventions of a British Gangster film are used in the opening sequence, the characters wear suits and speak in Cockney accents, which strongly resemble previous gangster films made such as Snatch and Lock Stock, which we're big influences on this film. The settings contrast to show power within the gangsters, the powerful and wealthy gangster Vinny T is shown in a large house however the lighting reflects his personality, dark and evil. Then Mickey and Jason are shown meeting in a rural and unattractive ally, which reflects their status but also their power and wealth levels, they are clearly a much smaller force within the gangster hierarchy.

3. Who Do You Think The Target Audience Is For The Product?

The target audience for this film is young males, from older teens to late twenties, early thirties.

4. Do You Think The Product Would Appeal To The Target Audience?

Yes, because the opening sequence is fast paced, it grabs the audiences attention and makes them want to watch the rest of the film because it leaves them with a cliffhanger. The British Gangster conventions are displayed effectively in the sequence and makes the target audience know exactly what the genre is. The actors are late teens and are males and this means that the target audience can relate to that because of age and gender similarities. Also the settings are very reflective of real life, which means they can also relate with that.

5. How Well Do You Think The Following Technical Areas Have Been Adressed?

Cinematography - This has been used very well because there are a variety of shots used within the product, for example there are close ups of the characters, to introduce them to the audience and also to show their emotions and there are also point of view shots to show the scene through the characters eyes.

Sound - There is a good use of sound within the sequence, the non diegetic sound, which is the music, works well with the sequence because its also fast paced and upbeat which matches the tempo of the scene itself. The diagetic sound also works because the characters speak with a cockney accent which is a generic convention but also fits with the characters personalities.

Editing - The editing is continuity editing which works well with the product and helps it acheive what it aims to. There is use of shot reverse shot when Mickey and Jason are in conversation, which is also a very effectively used tool. The pace of the editing is quite fast and hits the audience at a quick rate, but still lets them take everything on board and understand it.

Mise-En-Scene - The mise-en-scene has been used to reinforce the genre and to aid the overall effect the sequence wants to create, the suits worn by the characters shows that they are powerful individuals and are not the type of people you want to anger. The settings of the alleyway is also well used because its a typical setting that would be expected for a British Gangster film.

6. Overall How Successful Is The Finished Product? Give An Example Of Something That Can Be Improved And Something That Works Well.

Overall the product is very successful in what it trys to create, which is a tense atmosphere and putting the audience on edge to make them want to know more. It also trys to create the British Gangster genre feel which is does effectively using the conventions. The narrative is something that is successfully executed within then product. However, the opening sequence could be a little bit longer by adding in more shots or dialogue for example.

Monday 20 April 2009

Robbie Jay Media Studies AS Coursework Questions

Media Studies AS Coursework Questions




1.    In What Ways Does Your Media Product Use, Develop, Or Challenge Forms And Conventions Of Your Real Media Products?


The film that my group created is a British Gangster film, it generally uses the conventions of media products rather than subverting against them. The sound for example is the appropriate type, it builds up some tension and puts the audience on edge, it aims to tell the audience the kind of genre the film is. The diegetic sound is also what is expected from a British Gangster film, London accents that make the characters look rough and aggressive. The three main characters in the film are also introduced and clearly established so the audience are informed. The opening sequence starts the storyline, which is a typical convention that is expected, It leaves the audience wanting to know what is going to happen next. The settings are also either dark or secluded with nobody else around, this indicates to the audience that the privacy is needed by the characters because of the illegal things that they are involved in, this is also an indication of the genre of the film.


2.    How Does Your Media Product Represent Particular Social Groups?


The social group that are being represented in this film are gangsters. This group are being represented in a positive way in some ways but also in a negative way but this is expected from the audience because gangsters don’t abide by the law. They are being represented positively because the three characters are dressed smartly in suits so this tells the audience that they take care of their appearance and like to look good. Also, one of the characters are shown to own a large, well-kept house which also gives gangsters a positive representation. However, there are also some negative representations of these characters, the first is that they are shown to be involved in things such as drug dealings and they are also shown to be aggressive and impatient. Micky also tells Jason to kill Vinny T, therefore they are being displayed as cold-hearted killers and will do anything to get money, power and respect.


3.    What Kind Of Media Institution Might Distribute Your Media Product And Why?


This film would most likely be a mainstream British film because of how the opening sequence is constructed, which means it would have a reasonally big budget and follow the typical conventions of the British gangster genre, which this film does. This is a British film but it expects good box office so it will be distributed by a Hollywood distribution company, for example Snatch, a British Gangster film was distributed by Sony, which is a large Hollywood distribution company. The film would then be distributed to multiplex cinema sites and large cinemas across the country. Because this is a high budget, Hollywood film it will appeal to a large amount of audiences, this is why it would be distributed nationally.


4.    Who Would Be The Audience For Your Media Product?


The target audience for this film would be older teenagers to young adults and possibly adults too. This is because the actors of the film are young and the lifestyles they lead are not what most adults can relate to as how their life is, that is why the younger audience will be more interested. However the storyline isn’t the sort that would be restricted to a young generations film, so some adults may take an interest in this film.


5.    How Did You Attract/Address Your Audience?


The genre of the film will automatically attract anybody that likes the British Gangster genre, at the very start of the film, fast paced music plays and this indicates to the audience that something is going to happen and puts them on the edge of their seat and this attracts them to watch more of the film. The end of the opening sequence sets Jason, the main character, on the main storyline of the film, so the audience are attracted to the film to know what happens.


6.    What Have You Learnt About Technologies From The Process Of Constructing This Product?


I have learned from constructing this product how to use a camera professionally, with the tripod and making sure its suitable for editing. I learned about how the variety of shots are vital for a media product to look professional and to flow. I also learned that shot length is another important factor because if a shot lasts for too long or is over too quickly it affects the whole piece and can have a positive impact. I also learned the editing process, what is involved and how to carry it out myself. For our editing we used the iMovie program on an Apple Mac computer.


7.    Looking Back At Your Preliminary Task, What Do You Feel You Have Learnt In The Progression From It To The Full Product?


Mise-en-scene is extremely important in creating a media product, it needs to be chosen carefully because it is so effective and can define the whole product. I have also learned about the pace of editing, if you set the pace of the piece fast then it will create a certain effect and set a mood however if the pace is slow it will create a completely different effect and the mood will contrast greatly, so the pace needs to be chosen wisely. Finally, I have learned how important planning is for a film to be created and assembled efficiently, the storyboarding is a vital task because it tells the director exactly what shot is next, the shot length and type and any sound that is accompanied with it. Without the storyboarding the filming of the media product will be almost impossible and it will be of a low standard.