Tuesday 27 January 2009

Robbie's Blog Questions

1) The most valuable aspect of the planning stage in my opinion was the storyboard and the shotlist, this is because it gave the group a straight forward and easy plan to follow and saved alot of time when we was filming.

2) The things i learnt about camerawork was how to cut the shots to make each shot a different length, this ensures that the pace isnt always the same and that it doesnt get tiresome for the audience.

3) The editing really helped me understand how a media text is constructed, becuase when filming is complete its only 50% completed because the editing plays such a major and important role. A high amount of care and thought needs to go into the editing process because whatever happens in the editing part is the final peice that the audience will be viewing.

4) Our final peice recieved some positive feedback in the sense that our camera shot variety and length created a good and professional effect, the mise-en-scene is another aspect that recieved some positive feedback.

5) The technical aspects that I am most pleased with about our final piece is the fact that we have used alot of camera shots and they differ in length which really does create a good effect and make the peice flow.

6) The aspect that i would change is the lighting because some of the shots turned out very dark because of the sunlight in the windows, and also i would redo some of the shots because in some places the shots dont seem to flow perfectly and there are slight jolts.

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