Friday 1 May 2009

James Monahan Audience feedback

1. Is the product a clearly recognisable opening sequence?

Yes because the characters are introduced and the main storyline is begun, which is Jason being hired to assassinate Vinny T which also establishes the hook of the film and gets the audience interested. The genre is also made clear as British gangster as we use the conventions of the genre. It is expected in the opening sequence for the genre to be clear to the audience.

2. Is the genre apparent?

The genre is apparent as British gangster because there is use of the conventions of that genre, the characters wear suits and have cockney accents for example. The non diegetic music also establishes the genre as it is fast paced and makes the audience aware there will be action a main convention of British gangster.

3. Who do you think the target audience is for the product?

The target audience is late teens to young adults, mainly focusing on males

4. Do you think the product would appeal to the target audience?

Yes because the target audience can relate to the actors who are young males like the target audience. The conventions of British gangster in the sequence are apparent so they know exactly what type of film they are watching from the start. The music suggests it will be a fast paced British gangster film full of action which will appeal to the target audience.

5. How well do you think the following technical areas have been addressed?

Cinematography: The opening shot of a mansion is a good establishing shot and a variety of shots have been used during the opening sequence. For example a tracking shot was used to show Jason walking down the alleyway to meet Micky.

Sound: Diegetic: The characters speak with cockney accents which is good because it is a convention of British gangster films

Non diegetic: The music was good because it was fast paced and upbeat much like the scene

Editing: Continuity editing was used to allow the sequence to flow smoothly. A shot reverse shot was also used effectively during Jason and Micky's conversation.

Mise-en-scene: The settings of the alleyway and pool room were good choices as they are typical settings in the British gangster genre. The suits the characters wear also work well because suits are worn in a lot of British gangster films such as Snatch.

6. Overall how successful is the finished product? Give an example of something that could be improved and something that worked well.

The variety of shots worked well together and the genre is clearly shown from the conventions used in the mise-en-scene such as the suits and sound such as the cockney accents. To improve on the sequence you could make it a bit longer. Overall I think your product is successful.

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