Friday 1 May 2009

James Monahan Other groups conventions

British gangster- Lock stock and two smoking barrels
British gangster mixes violence with money being a central part in most whether it be stealing money like in the Italian Job or owing money to a dangerous character as in Lock Stock and Two Smocking Barrels. The scene begins showing two main characters selling stolen goods until the police arrive and as they run a voiceover introduces them. This shows them as small time criminals which suggests they are more likely to owe money then to pull off a big money heist originally.

Romantic comedy- Notting Hill
In a rom com a boy will meet a girl they fall in love have an obstacle to overcome and then they get together at the end. The main characters will often come from different classes, as is the case in Notting Hill. This is indicated from the start as Julia Roberts is shown constantly throughtout the credits having photographers all around her everywhere she went. Hugh Grant also mentions it during his voiceover talking about his small quiet life in Notting Hill.

Spaghetti western- The Good, the bad and the ugly
Spaghetti Western is a nickname for a broad sub-genre of Western film that emerged in the mid-1960s, so named because most of them were produced by Italian studios. It follows the general conventions of westerns with desert scenary, guns, horses and good vs bad. The opening sequence is a long credit scene with a upbeat rhythm playing throughout, gunshots can be heard and a man on horseback can also be seen. The Good vs Bad can be seen in the title.

War- Saving Private Ryan
The War genre is usually about naval, air or land battles, the experiences of the soldiers, patriotism and remembering what has happened . The opening scene of Saving Private Ryan shows a old man walking through a world war II military grave yard with the American flag being shown for patriotism. There is then a flashback to world war II as allied ships are attempting to reach enemy land under heavy machine gun fire showing the experiences of the soldiers as some are sick while others drown from the weight of their gear as they abandon their ships.

Horror slasher- My bloody valentine
Slasher horror usually follows a serial killer who wears a mask and normally the killer is one of the characters who is known to the audience. The sequence begins in typical fashion with people in masks, a woman then removes her mask and goes into the arms of the other masked person, the person seems only interested in a tattoo of a heart on her chest and all of a sudden seems to fill with rage as he drives her through a pickaxe he had put on the wall with the pickaxe sticking out exactly where the tattoo was. This showing the gore that is sure to be on show throughout the film

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